In2Steel’s partnership with JJack House Raising has elevated the way double and multi-storey homes are built in WA by allowing the upper floor to be built at ground level then raised to build underneath.

Developed in response to home owners and builders frustrations with the safety, time and cost issues of traditional multi-storey construction, this house lifting system gives you the option to build the top floor at ground level and lift it once all the hard work is done.

This ‘raise and build underneath’ method results in a more affordable build as the builder can work on the roof and upper floor, when it is easily accessible, rather than working at heights. The builder has more space to work with and shelter from the elements so that the home can be built faster and to a higher standard.


Realise a renovation dream and increase the value of an existing home. Save an old home, and money, by lifting and building underneath. In2steel and JJack can even lift and shift an old home to subdivide a block.

In2Steel and JJack can lift existing timber or double brick homes on concrete slabs. After an initial assessment we can discuss options with the builder and we’ll assist you throughout the process.

In2Steel and JJack technology making light work of lifting an existing structure